Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Do You Know These 4 Criteria For Choosing A Penis Pill System That Really Work?

If you're looking for information on penis enlargement pills, then this short article is very important to you.

But wait, do penis enlargement pills work? No & yes.

What kind of answer is that? Let me explain...

Penis pills, by themselves, can not enlarge a man's penis, not permanently anyway. Not that they are useless, mind you. The good grade penis pills do help to improve a man's sexual system - improving prostate health, increasing blood flow to the penile tissues for harder erections, etc. But penis pills alone just cannot enlarge a man's penis permanently. Well, that's the "no" part.

The "yes" part comes from the fact that the better penis pills come with accompanying penis enlargement exercises that, when combined with these penis pills, do enable men to permanently increase the size and girth of their penises.

Think of a body builder. He needs the protein supplements (penis pills in this analogy) as well as the exercise routines in order to gain the muscle mass and body contour he wants. Without the exercises, the supplements are useless. Without the supplements, exercises can only give him so much improvement.

Ok, so a penis pill system (pills plus exercises) do work to enlarge a man's penis permanently. But how do you really choose a penis pill product given so many brands out there? These 4 criteria may help:-

1. The penis pills must come with enlargement exercises, either a DVD or website access. Both will be better but not necessary.

2. The pills must contain top grade ingredients and must not contain dangerous herbs like Yohimbe. This herb is on the FDA watch list for potential damaging, side effects. Look for research materials on these first.

3. The vendor of the pills should have a 24 hour customer support service. This is important as anything can go wrong with your purchase. Look out for customer support info on the vendor's website before you buy.

4. The penis pills system must come with some sort of money back guarantee. These guarantees range from 60 days to 6 months. The longer the guarantee period the better, of course. Look out for these details on the vendor website as well.

So that's it. A short short article on selecting a penis pill system that works. Remember to refer to this article if and when you decide you take the plunge and do something about increasing your penis size and girth.

Gary T is the owner of a website dedicated to helping men enlarge their penis. Get free ebooks & expert advice plus visit this useful blog for male enhancement too.

It takes some research but if you're keen, please visit my website ( for some well-researched & proven penis pill system that are all guaranteed to work.

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Dating Tips For Men: What Does A Women Find Attractive In A Man!

Have you ever noticed that very attractive women are not interested in nice man but are attracted to Bad Boys? Do you have attractive women friends that just want to be friends with you?

I have and I got sick of this response.

Most men never really explore this question and act far too nice. Most men try to please the women by asking out for dinner and give flowers etc. Most men are very needy around a women and want love and sex.

They felt they were not really loved from mum and so are needy in wanting a women to love them so they can feel good about themselves.

They are looking for a mum to overcome a lack of love early in life.

Women really want a challenge and not a wuss. They love a very confident, sexy man that knows he can attract any women with no effort.

Attraction comes from a deep gut level which is not logical. And being nice to a women does not make a women attracted to you.

I found this hard to understand at first as this has no logic. Once I got over being nice and pleasing, I found women much more interested in me. I more I stopped trying to please and be always available the more the women became interested.

If a women is not attracted to me after a first contact I do not try to get her to change her mind.

I just say next and move on. It is very hard to change a women's opinion if she just wants to be friends. Easier to move on than waste a lot of time.

Just go on a good Internet dating site and you can date as many women as you want. Place a good photo of you smiling and make a funny, cocky profile.

Most men's profile are very boring so do something a bit in your face and different. I like to say on my profile that women with emotional problems, sexual hang-ups please do not contact me. This gives the impression that I am not needy and selective. Women love this.

There is an abundance of women looking for men. Dating a few women at once gives you a good state of mind that if one women is not what you want you can easily move on. The more I can be indifferent to women the more they get attracted.

If you have a problem about approaching attractive women just set a task of walking up to then again and again till you could not care less how they will respond. Once you get to this level they will start to respond. Funny hey.

Yes it is scary at first to do this but why give you power to women! Why be scared of attractive women for the rest of your life.

Is it not time to grow up and be a man!

Mauice Tate is a qualified sexologist trained at the Advanced Institute of Sexology. To improve your relationships go to Free dating Tips

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